
The culture in Togliatti is a unique phenomenon for a young Russian city. The sustainable processes for keeping the traditions and heritage of the history of Stavropol – Togliatti, the modern trends of the cultural initiatives, courage and creative projects and the successfully developing partnerships relations contribute to the further dynamic development and diversity of the cultural potential of the city.

Since the times Togliatti was known as Stavropol, the cultural component was always considered as an inherent part of the city. That is why there are so many institutes of culture and education, including theatres, museums, libraries, a philharmonic society, creative unions of writers, painters, designers, and ethno-cultural and linguistic centers present in Togliatti.

Togliatti theatrical life is rich enough, performances for adult and children audiences are annually organized, gathering more than 150 000 goers. In the repertoire of Togliatti drama theatre Koleso there are productions of contemporary and classical works. Togliatti has modern concert stages. Classical and pop music, jazz, rock-n-roll, ethnic compositions sound in concert halls. Moreover, famous musicians, bands, orchestras, dance groups regularly visit the city with performances.

Great achievements in the field of art, branding cultural events, and a variety of creative potential allow us to refer to Togliatti as a major cultural centre of the Volga region successfully developing its partner links in the field of culture. Togliatti art museum annually organizes in the city International children’s art competition “Raduzhka”, which the talented children from different parts of Russia and the world take part in. Traditionally, dance and creative groups exchange visits are organized between Togliatti and its sister cities and partners, joint art exhibitions are arranged, international festivals and national feasts with the participation of national cultural centers of the city are carried out.

Artistic delegations of our city frequently used to represent successfully not only the City of Togliatti, but the Samara region within the framework of the international, All-Russia and regional image programs at the Young People Delphi Games (Yaroslavl, Volgograd, Samara), at the Festival entitled “ Moscow Meets Friends” by the invitation of the International Charitable Fund of V. Spivakov, at the Civic Forums and within the framework of the project “Cultural Capital” of the Middle Volga Federal Area, presentations of the economic and cultural potential “Togliatti Days in Paris”.

The following significant cultural events held in the city have already become well–known outside of Togliatti:

  • Music and Arts Festival "Tremolo" (ex-"Classics over Volga")
  • Drums of the World Festival
  • Classics OPENFEST
  • Christmas Maneuvers and Princes’ Tournament at the Park Complex of the Technival Exhibits named after K.G. Sakharov
  • Festival of Asian Culture and other more

The development of the international cultural relations and artistic exchanges is not limited by the sister cities cooperation and partnerships: Wolfsburg, Hamburg (Germany); Kazanlyk (Bulgaria); Louyang (China); Flint (USA); Nagikanizhe (Hungary); Gras, Lion (France), Piacenza (Italy). Annually the artistic people and groups go abroad for visits; the artistic expositions, theatrical performances, young musicians concert performances are presented.  

The following Togliatti artistic groups had an invariable success abroad: Koleso Drama Theatre named after the People’s artist Gleb Drozdov, Kalina Folk Dance Group and Artel Folk Musical Instruments Group of the Togliatti Arts Institution, Togliatti Philharmonic Society Jazz Band, Happy Childhood dance group of the Children’s cultural center, Proper Style Folk Music Instruments of the Togliatti Arts Lyceum, Toasis Group of the Children’s Arts School named in honour of M.A. Balakirev.

Culture of Togliatti presentation in English

Social sphere of Togliatti